Canada Passport


文章最近更新: 2021-06-14

加拿大移民局(IRCC)於2021年6月8日再公布「救生艇計劃」助香港人移民移居加拿大,提供申請永久居留(PR)的2條途逕,新政策分為Stream A加拿大讀書路逕,以及Stream B加拿大工作路逕,已由2021年6月1 日開始正式接受申請,截止申請日期為2026年8月31日。新政策旨在幫助有意移居加拿大的的年輕香港人,希望有才能的港人可以在加拿大發展事業並幫助當地加快疫後復甦。

Stream A: In-Canada graduates加拿大讀書途逕

申請人必須於過去3年完成加拿大指定專上課程(designated learning institution, DLI),以及最少一半課程須在加拿大當地完成(親身出席或網上):

Applicants must have completed one of the following educational credentials at a post-secondary designated learning institution in Canada in the last 3 years, and they must have done at least 50% of their program of study (in person or online) while in Canada:

  • degree (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate) 學位課程(學士/碩士/博士PhD)
  • diploma from a program that is at least 2 years in length 兩年制或以上文憑課程
  • graduate or post-graduate credential (for a diploma or certificate) from a program that is at least 1 year in length; in addition, the program must require a post-secondary degree or diploma, which must have been earned no more than 5 years before starting the graduate or post-graduate program 完成至少1年研究生課程,報讀資格須持有學士或文憑資歷,並在課程開始前5年內取得

Stream B: Canadian work experience加拿大工作途逕


Applicants must have at least 1 year of full-time work experience (or the part-time equivalent, that is, at least 1,560 hours in total) in Canada in the last 3 years; they must also have completed one of the following at a post-secondary learning institution in or outside Canada in the last 5 years:

  • degree (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate) 學位課程(學士/碩士/博士PhD)
  • diploma from a program that is at least 2 years in length 兩年制或以上文憑課程
  • graduate or post-graduate credential (for a diploma or certificate) from a program that is at least 1 year in length; in addition, the program must require a post-secondary degree or diploma, which must have been earned no more than 5 years before starting the graduate or post-graduate program 完成至少一年研究生課程,報讀資格須持有學士或文憑資歷,並在課程開始前五年內取得

Stream B與開放工簽OWP如何連接?

Stream B工作路逕與較早前公布的開放工簽(Open Work Permit, OWP)其實有連接作用,OWP讓5年內專上教育畢業的香港人,可最多獲得3年期的工作簽證,持有人可憑累積工作經驗,工作一年後,透過Stream B取得永居;但值得留意的是,有部份人於2016-2017年畢業,申請OWP後,因疫情關係至今仍未入境加拿大工作(疫下OWP需要取得工作offer方可入境),待於加拿大工作一年後,已經不能符合Stream B 指定的5年內畢業條件,因些需要經常規的移民路逕(省提名及Express Entry, EE)申請永久居留。


  • 英文能力要求:CLB( Canadian Language Benchmark)的聽說讀寫均需有5分或以上,即Ielts General 4555 或Celpip General 5 (詳情參考加拿大官方英文考試成績轉換表:按此
  • 申請時必需在加拿大境內,並持有有效簽證。







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